Program Graduates

High Integrity Businesses Using C.O.R.A for their Authentic Sales Conversations

High Integrity Sales

Master an Authentic Process

You will love the focus and confidence that springs from a step by step process.
women with her hands out the driver side window of a classic car

Qualify, then Invite

Know they will succeed

Lean into a process that auditions their willingness to be led towards their solution.

The Whole Enchilada

  • Self-paced Training

    Engage with short videos and templates before and after to keep the learning moving

  • Practice Community

    Connect with other authenticity advocates to practice and begin mastering the process

  • Pro Level Ready

    Level 1 will assist you to build your business and prepare you to dive deeper when you are ready.


Let's dive into the key steps to introduce the grace of the authentic sales conversation we call C.O.R.A.

  • Authentic Connection - Learn the elements of focus that boost your confidence and presence

  • Core Desire - Use empowering questions to guide the exploration of what they really want to achieve

  • Obstacles - Discover the obstacles to their Core Desire and listen deeply for the clues to solutions

  • Recommendation - Learn to craft and offer real steps for progress that mirrors your offering

  • Action - Includes invite/refer, holding space for their Inner Buying Cycle, and elegant closing

A Recipe for Sales that Stick

Build trust and empowerment as you guide them through the illumination of their Core Desire, Obstacles. Then consider and deliver high value Recommendations, and guide Action.

Course curriculum

    1. A welcome message from Karen

    2. How to Get the Most Out of This Course

    3. How to use this platform

    4. Before we begin...

    1. Intro to Humans

    2. Our Inner Sales Cycle

    3. Crafting Confidence

    4. Test your learning

    1. C.O.R.A. Overview

    2. Engage with Intention

    3. Uncovering the Core Desires

    4. Finding the Real Obstacles

    5. Make Excellent Recommendations

    6. Follow Their Lead

    7. Test Your Learning

    1. C.O.R.A. Handout & Overview

    2. Keys to Success

    3. Fun & Easy Practice: Your C.O.R.A. Assignment

    1. Resource: Moving Into Mastery

    2. Before you go...

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

What our Graduates Have to Say...

Lori Johnson

5 star rating

“Excellent, Aligns with My Style, Authenticity is Celebrated, clearly presented, videos are perfect length, love the short CORA work sheet, content is laid out step by step. ”

“Excellent, Aligns with My Style, Authenticity is Celebrated, clearly presented, videos are perfect length, love the short CORA work sheet, content is laid out step by step. ”

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Richard Morden

5 star rating

“Using the Cora sales process has given me a consistent flow in my conversations with potential clients. I am not attached to the outcome of trying to make a sale, as would be a normal mindset. This conversation is for clarity and the best outcome...”

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“Using the Cora sales process has given me a consistent flow in my conversations with potential clients. I am not attached to the outcome of trying to make a sale, as would be a normal mindset. This conversation is for clarity and the best outcome for the client, and I am maintaining my integrity and authenticity throughout the conversation.”

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Sarah Selecky

5 star rating

“I love this process, and use these illuminating questions whenever I have a discovery call with a perspective client or student. CORA is centering, ethical, and grounded sales.”

“I love this process, and use these illuminating questions whenever I have a discovery call with a perspective client or student. CORA is centering, ethical, and grounded sales.”

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Next-Level Instructor

Instructor Bio:

KK (Karen Kessler) is an accomplished and celebrated trainer. She applies her humour and expertise to prepare Leaders ready to increase their impact and reach in this world; those Leaders committed to connect deeply and inspire life-long change. Karen’s research and exploration into leadership, motivation, inspiration and the human brain/body/soul connection have created an understanding of what she calls the Next-Level Leader - A leader that has expanded on their natural leadership talent and brings a focus on mastering the skill sets while they foster leadership in others. Karen is known for her leadership, integrity, and focus on results. Her reputation grew as she progressed rapidly through leadership positions in corporate, government and our growing Big Blue Door Community.

Karen (KK) Kessler

Next-Level Trainer