What To Expect

We are happy you are here!

New to course creation or looking to elevate your next eLearning offering? Then this mini-course is the place to start

Learn the essential elements that allow eLearning and blended learning courses standout from the crowd. I have also included what I learned from some of my biggest mistakes along the way.  

5 Essential Elements for eLearning Excellence is a great place to check in with what would be involved in creating an eLearning with a professional look and feel. 

We follow all of this up by guiding you to the most important element - topic selection. Our clients struggle with finding just the right focus and size for their business needs. The worksheet and live feedback call have been designed to give you the confidence you need to move forward.   

It is FREE to enrol, and will take you around 50 minutes to complete. It is time to elevate your impact and reach!

Course curriculum

Take a Sneak Peek

    1. Start Here: Overview and Welcome

    2. How to navigate through this course platform

    3. Tips For Getting the Most From This Mini-Course

    4. We would like to know a bit about what you are expecting before we begin...

    1. Top 3 Mistakes That Leave a Trail of Frustration (and what I learned from making them)

    2. Essential Element 1

    3. Essential Element 2

    4. Essential Element 3

    5. Essential Element 4

    6. Essential Element 5

    7. Quick Quiz to Deepen Your Learning

    1. Experiential Component: Topic Choice

    2. Next Steps: Three Key Steps For Added Value

    3. The Top Questions Addressed

    4. Please answer these three questions before you go...

About this course

  • Free
  • 15 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Don't just take our word for it!

What do others say

Lisa Reaume

5 star rating

“I am very happy with this course! I learned a lot and am excited about creating my own course. What a great way to connect with people! ”

“I am very happy with this course! I learned a lot and am excited about creating my own course. What a great way to connect with people! ”

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Susan Carr

5 star rating

“Great information and presented in a way to build confidence and motivation, regardless of how big a scale of eLearning being considered. Thanks”

“Great information and presented in a way to build confidence and motivation, regardless of how big a scale of eLearning being considered. Thanks”

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Cynthia Breadner

5 star rating

“This is a great overview of how to create a program and a course! I loved it!”

“This is a great overview of how to create a program and a course! I loved it!”

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Ready to get started?

Ok, let's go.

Once you have taken the course we invite you to schedule a call with one of our amazing program advisors, to answer your questions and guide you forward. Now is a great time to create high quality e-learning courses, giving you space to increase your impact and reach.

Also included:

We want to see if we are a good fit - let's play together and see what happens.

  • High-Value Topic Selection Guide

    Our students all need assistance narrowing the choices. Like you, they are experts and want to share it all. This worksheet will guide you to the place to start - the sweet spot where your expertise and your client's wake up call meet.

  • Program Advisor Feedback Call

    After you complete the mini-course, we invite you to schedule a call with one of our amazing program advisors. They are excited to give you feedback on your Topic Selection and answer your questions. They have been tasked with helping you connect the dots to your best next step - whether that is with us or not.

  • Step By Step Guide to Voiceover

    One of the big stumbling blocks to creating fun and professional online content is that we suspect that we don't know enough. Our guide will introduce you to the most important elements and you can decide what guidance you need next.

Not sure if this is the mini-course for you?

Just want to speak with a live person?

Next-Level Trainer

Get to know your Instructor...

KK (Karen Kessler) is an accomplished and celebrated trainer. She applies her humour and expertise to prepare Leaders ready to increase their impact and reach in this world; those Leaders committed to connect deeply and inspire life-long change. Karen’s research and exploration into leadership, motivation, inspiration and the human brain/body/soul connection have created an understanding of what she calls the Next-Level Leader - A leader that has expanded on their natural leadership talent and brings a focus on mastering the skill sets while they foster leadership in others. Karen is known for her leadership, integrity, and focus on results. Her reputation grew as she progressed rapidly through leadership positions in corporate, government and our growing Big Blue Door Community.

Karen (KK) Kessler

Next-Level Trainer