Next-Level Leaders Seek to Level Up

Part two opens as soon as the live intensive is complete.

We continue to weave knowledge and real-world experience with wisdom as the goal. These 8 modules hone in on the content from the live intensive while we weave in earlier concepts. 

The concepts, conversation, and self-discovery spiral up. So, no matter what level you are at prepared to Level Up again!

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Part 2 - Special Message from Karen

    2. Let's check in before you move on...

    3. Program Quick Reference

    1. Definition of Now

    2. Where is My Power?

    3. Sensory Acuity

    4. The Magic of Rapport

    5. Stretch Every Single Moment

    6. Life Installation Challenge: True Presence

    7. True Presence Quiz

    1. Focus for Results: Intro

    2. Internal Representations

    3. State

    4. Intention

    5. Action

    6. Life Installation Challenge: Focus for Results

    7. Focus for Results Quiz

    1. Wonder of Linguistics (2 videos)

    2. Linguistic Presuppositions – Review

    3. How to Truly Listen to Others

    4. How to Deeply Listen to Yourself

    5. Power of the Subtle for Leaders

    6. Life Installation Challenge: What Could Possibly Be True for Them?

    7. What Could Possibly Be True for Them?Quiz

    1. Nature of Motivation (3 videos)

    2. Values Drive You

    3. Achieving Alignment

    4. Life Installation Challenge: Motivation for Seekers

    5. Motivation for Seekers Quiz

    1. The 360 degrees

    2. Advantages of a Larger Vista

    3. Release of Right

    4. Tool: Perceptual Positions (2 videos)V*

    5. Life Installation Challenge: Expanding Perceptions

    6. Expanding Perceptions Quiz

About this course

  • $977.00
  • 58 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Next-Level Instructor

KK (Karen Kessler) is an accomplished and celebrated trainer. She applies her humour and expertise to prepare Leaders ready to increase their impact and reach in this world; those Leaders committed to connect deeply and inspire life-long change. Karen’s research and exploration into leadership, motivation, inspiration and the human brain/body/soul connection have created an understanding of what she calls the Next-Level Leader - A leader that has expanded on their natural leadership talent and brings a focus on mastering the skill sets while they foster leadership in others. Karen is known for her leadership, integrity, and focus on results. Her reputation grew as she progressed rapidly through leadership positions in corporate, government and our growing Big Blue Door Community.

Karen (KK) Kessler

Next-Level Trainer