You are about to make friends with your money.

Money Life Overhaul walks you through mindset + method steps to create a new relationship with your money, making it easier and more fun.

  • Understand your money in and out of your life

  • Gain tools to make positive decisions with your money

  • Create stopping points and a system to manage your money

  • Hear your money voices and shift them to be supportive

  • Feel more confident and in control

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome! A Message from your Instructor

    2. How to use this course

    3. How to access your resources

    4. Before we begin...

    1. Session 1 - Money In/Money Out

    2. Resources -> Journal, Tutorial Videos

    1. Session 2 - Your Money Story

    1. Session 3 - Planning to Zero

    1. Session 4 - Creating Stopping Points

    1. Session 5 - Debt Free Date

About this course

  • $127.00
  • 11 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content

What is included

Get all the resources and support you need

  • Video Lessons & Worksheets

    Money Life Overhaul Course materials include all of the worksheets, spreadsheets, exercises you need. Also included are journal prompts to guide you through exploring your money story.

  • Virtual Workspace & Private Community

    Sometimes 'a-ha's arrive at odd times and having a place to connect in, share resources, and speak your mind is a treasure. Our Big Blue Door Community and Virtual Workspace are yours to enjoy while you are in the program. (Current Price: $49/month)

  • Private Money Coaching

    Sometimes it is helpful to talk through your situation with an expert. When you are ready to personalize your plan for your unique situation, purchase your private money coaching session. 75 min for $197. (Current Value $297)

Money Life Overhaul - Legacy

Make Friends with Your Money

You have found one of our legacy programs. This course was delivered as a live workshop with pre-work for $497. We have captured the videos and arranged them here for just $127. Although available to the public, recognize that it has an older style of delivery.


Instructor Bio:

Karen Collacutt, personal wealth expert, for over 20 years helps you understand and transform your psychology of money - how you think and act around it. On stages, in workshops, and in intimate group settings, Karen’s warm style and clear language makes a challenging topic feel easy and fun. Karen has been featured on CBC Radio, Blog Talk Radio, Rogers TV, telesummits and many print media publications including National Post, Toronto Star, MoneySense Magazine, and Today's Parent. With straightforward strategies, world-class mind-body tools, and tell-it-like-it-is approach, Karen teaches how to match your money to your goals, create peace of mind, and build a confident money life. Coach, speaker and change catalyst, Karen delivers a fresh perspective on money. Email: kc at simplykaren dot ca

Karen Collacutt

Master Money Coach