Are we there yet?

It's time to finish this transformation and enjoy your life.

You have been changing for awhile now. You are aware of it, done the work, and it still feels a bit like guess work. Join us for this three month small group program, with 1 on 1 elements, to dive deeper into yourself than ever before. Understand why you do what you do, how to align your world to you, and finally clear out all that old stuff (all without reliving it!).
Watch Intro Video

Tell me more about this Reset & Redirect in less than 5 minutes!

Karen K shares the Why, What, and How (4:48)

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Bonus material for you

We rolled in as much as we could! (You can pay $3000 or just accept them as gifts - your choice :)

  • Level Up: Leadership Capacity Builder

    Embrace the knowledge, perspectives, and skills that Next-Level Leaders use to bring peace to their lives. This two part program drips out every three days to provide space to play with the concepts in your real world. (Current Pricing: $997)

  • Inner Mastery Assessments

    Spend two hours, just you and a Master Coach to elicit your deep unconscious programs responsible for your motivations. Assessments include, Meta Programs, Consciousness Values Levels, Values Hierarchies for Life, and Preferred Communications Styles. (Current Pricing: $1750)

  • Virtual Workspace & Private Community

    Sometimes 'a-ha's arrive at odd times and having a place to connect in, share resources, and speak your mind is a treasure. Our Big Blue Door Community and Virtual Workspace are your to enjoy while you are in the program. (Current Price: $49/month)


Instructor Bio:

KK (Karen Kessler) is an accomplished and celebrated trainer. She applies her humour and expertise to prepare Leaders ready to increase their impact and reach in this world; those Leaders committed to connect deeply and inspire life-long change. Karen’s research and exploration into leadership, motivation, inspiration and the human brain/body/soul connection have created an understanding of what she calls the Next-Level Leader - A leader that has expanded on their natural leadership talent and brings a focus on mastering the skill sets while they foster leadership in others. Karen is known for her leadership, integrity, and focus on results. Her reputation grew as she progressed rapidly through leadership positions in corporate, government and our growing Big Blue Door Community.

Karen (KK) Kessler

Next-Level Trainer


Instructor Bio:

Speaker, trainer and coach, Karen Collacutt brings two decades of finance, business, and leadership experience to the table. She is a connector of people, ideas and systems and motivates leaders to create the foundations to support their businesses. Featured in CBC Radio, Rogers TV, National Post, Toronto Star, MoneySense Magazine, and Today's Parent, Karen guides people to shift how they think about themselves in a deep and generous way. Expect clear communication and a liberal dose of wisdom, Karen speaks with unrivaled passion and authority. Co-author of a book on navigating change, Karen has a masterful understanding of the challenges and opportunities for businesses

KC Collacutt

Next-Level Trainer

Sometimes you still have lots of questions

Sometimes, you just want to have tea with Karen. Sometimes you just want a coupon code.