Next-Level Leaders Seek to Level Up

Have you ever had an experience of profound realization? An ah-ha moment that changed everything?  This program is designed to create them.

Weaving knowledge and real-world experience develops wisdom. When we layer the knowledge and experience together in this way, Wisdom blooms... again and again. 

The resultant change in perspective and personal growth leads to an increase in capacity and overall resilience. As the space to respond grows, so does the awareness of additional choices we never noticed before. We experience this as a Level Up.  

The concepts, conversation, and self-discovery spiral up. So, no matter what level you are at prepared to Level Up again!

Is this the program for you?

When two or more of these statements seem familiar to you, then it's time to carefully consider this program. Matching your needs is essential to a high-value program.

  • People see me as more of a leader than I do

  • I am frustrated when I hit overwhelm or exhaustion before I am finished implementing

  • I have been following gurus but their wisdom is maddeningly slow to unfold in my reality

  • I used to be so good at setting my feelings aside to focus, now my emotions are showing up inconveniently

  • I have come to the conclusion that managing people and leading them are two very different things

  • I lead well in small groups and now I want to grow the group and seem to be struggling

  • I get now that 'knowing' isn't enough and I am ready for real tools and skills to create a real difference in my life

20 Modules (12 now and 8 later) plus...

Here's what is included:

  • Self Directed Learning

    Flexible and engaging training. Self-study modules and all live training designed with all learning styles in mind. Fun challenges to integrate your learning at every step.

  • Community

    Daily forum support and weekly Q&A video calls. Build long-lasting relationships with others who are as thirsty for excellence as you are.

  • Live Training Component

    Schedule into the live training that works for you. Attend as often as you like. Offered quarterly and designed for you to go deeper and receive feedback from experienced trainers.

Pricing options

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Hear from some of our graduates...

“This program has opened my mind incredibly. I love that the modules are just a few minutes long and Karen does a great job breaking it down in a way that is easily understandable. It is the perfect blend of online learning and in-person training. The 2-day workshop actually takes the material that we learned ahead of time, builds upon it, and provides the opportunity to implement and experiment with it. I highly recommend this program.”

“Forever Transformed. Karen truly has a gift and a passion to teach and facilitate lasting change in those who seek it.”

“5 Stars! Karen is exceptional at breaking these lessons into smaller modules and providing time for you to incorporate them into your environment. This is all a buildup to her 2 day workshop at completion of the course where you learn to integrate all the previous material and with her vast NLP experience she will absolutely bring out the LEADER in you. This is transformational work and will benefit you in all area's of your life.”

Next-Level Trainer

All About Karen

KK (Karen Kessler) is an accomplished and celebrated trainer. She applies her humour and expertise to prepare Leaders ready to increase their impact and reach in this world; those Leaders committed to connect deeply and inspire life-long change. Karen’s research and exploration into leadership, motivation, inspiration and the human brain/body/soul connection have created an understanding of what she calls the Next-Level Leader - A leader that has expanded on their natural leadership talent and brings a focus on mastering the skill sets while they foster leadership in others. Karen is known for her leadership, integrity, and focus on results. Her reputation grew as she progressed rapidly through leadership positions in corporate, government and our growing Big Blue Door Community.

Karen (KK) Kessler

Next-Level Trainer

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